Friday, December 25, 2009

Dear World,

I feel as though I'm always talking to myself on these sort of blog things, because I think the only one who might read them are... Danni, are you out there? Allie, maybe? Hey. How's it going.

That's alright, though. I heard from a source named Michael Coyne that I'm always talking to myself. So it's alright.

At any rate, today is Christmas and I got the first season of The Big Bang Theory. I just watched the first disk... Oh how I love Sheldon. I love how Leonard is just as nerdy as Sheldon, but actually cares about fitting in with the world, and I love that Sheldon does not give two shits about what other people think, and he acts crazy weird and doesn't realize it or care. I guess that's supposed to be a disability or something. It's supposed to make him weird. Funny. I think it makes him absolutely positively wonderful and damn, I might be annoyed with him in real life... but get me a slightly toned down version and you have someone I would want to know forever. And probably would be rather attracted to. But probably that sort of person is not the sort of person that would be especially attracted. In general.

Wait. Scratch those "probably"'s.

Oh, nostalgia.

(Rationalization for teh emo: I'm allowed because I'm not like, uh, shouting this out over facebook as an attention seeking kid! I am an attention seeking kid, but here I can angst all I want but nobody will get too irritated with me because I don't have any base of people that will feel obliged to read it, as opposed to, say... a facebook status. Hah. Oh dear.)


  1. opaltiger and I (Ruby) from TCoD were talking about the poetry forum yesterday, and we wondered what had happened to you. You haven't logged in for months and months. I had a look for you online and this seems to be the place updated by you most recently. Did you simply decide to leave TCoD, or have you been holiday etc.?

  2. I don't think I actively decided to leave TCoD... and in fact, I ought to go back there. I think that somehow I just got lazy and stopped going to TCoD so much, because I'm usually terribly busy with school and it just kind of fell off of the list of sites I visit regularly, because I was such a lurker anyway.

    I ought to go back sometime soon!

  3. You really should update your poetry thread, if it's not too much trouble.

  4. Dear Elizabeth: I missed this blog post earlier, but I do read your blog! I lost the link for a while, but now that you don't update it, I'm desperately (maybe an overstatement, but hyperbole is my specialty!) awaiting more! Tell me about your life, because I'm interested, especially about your projects and your pursuit of art.

